Grow Vibrant Blue Borage This Year And Eat The Flowers

Grow Vibrant Blue Borage This Year And Eat The Flowers

Vibrant blue borage attracts beneficial bugs like pollinators to your garden

Angie’s Top 4 Reasons To Grow Borage

1. Borage Adds A Pop Of Color

Whether you choose to eat vibrant blue borage or not, growing it adds a beautiful blue color to your mostly green garden. I personally enjoy placing the edible flowers on top of my color changing lemonade. I love looking at my mostly green garden and seeing my blue borage standing out.

2. You Can Eat Vibrant Blue Borage

Borage contains vitamins such as A & C and minerals iron & niacin. Not to mention, both the leaves & the flowers are edible. I’d recommend eating the young leaves as they will be less “hairy” than the larger more mature leaves. The taste of borage is very mild and taste like a mild cucumber.

3. Attract Pollinators To Your Garden

Have you ever had a zucchini flower, but never produce a fruit? The cause may be because of the flower not getting pollinated. You could hand pollinate, but I like to go a the route of planting flowers. The centers of the borage flower provide a perfect landing spot for butterflies, bees and even hummingbirds.

4. Borage Sows Itself

When your vibrant blue borage is finished blooming, you will see dried seed pods. If you don’t want a large amount of borage next season, you will want to remove the dead dried seeds. This year, I left the majority of the dead borage – I actually cut it and spread it around my plot. My hope is that next season I’ll have borage all over my garden.

the beautiful blue flowers of the borage plant are edible flowers
the beautiful blue flowers of the borage plant are edible flowers

Until the next post in this series, check out all my gardening posts.

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