Have The Best Your Super Detox Ever With This Series

Have The Best Your Super Detox Ever With This Series

Why I Love The Your Super Detox

The number one reason I love the Your Super detox is that it’s a detox that focuses on whole foods! You won’t find dairy or meat in this detox. In addition, I’m never hungry during the 5-day plan. They have a few versions of the detox, which means lots of variety and you are able to mix and match among the plans.

For this week’s post, I’ll be sharing what you can look forward to in the coming weeks for my Your Super detox series. I’m really looking forward to sharing my tips & tricks as well as recipes with you.

What You Can Expect From My Series

During my 6 week series, you can expect to see 5 detox-friendly recipes and 1 tips & tricks post. I’ve tried the detox many times and have learned from each time I’ve done it. While I may “fail” and not complete it each time, I always learn something new.

In my most recent detox, I challenged myself to go “off script” but play within the guidelines of the rules. That’s where the recipes I’ll be sharing came from. I basically sat down with all the Your Super recipes I’ve collected over the years and marked the ones I thought I could easily make detox friendly.

As you will learn, not all of their mixes are allowed on the detox. The detox doesn’t allow caffeine or chocolate. When I reviewed recipes, I looked for recipes that I could swap a mix with another, leave a mix out, or swap an ingredient (no oil or salt allowed either).

This leads me to either get creative or be OK with leaving out certain ingredients. I managed to find enough recipes to last the entire detox – I was shocked!

I cannot wait to share my Your Super detox-friendly recipes as well as tips & tricks with you.

When will you try the Your Super detox?


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