How To Quickly Make Homemade Pasta Sauce Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

How To Quickly Make Homemade Pasta Sauce Stuffed Spaghetti Squash
Homemade Pasta Sauce Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

How To Make Homemade Pasta Sauce Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

This week being Christmas week, I’m running short on time, so I decided to make a very simple recipe for dinner – Homemade Pasta Sauce Stuffed Spaghetti Squash. Keep reading to learn how I made this recipe.

During the holiday season, I feel like most people are busy shopping, wrapping gifts, and attending parties. Most people will grab something fast (and unhealthy) because they don’t think they have time to make a healthy meal.

A Recipe For People With Limited Time

While this recipe takes 2 of my recipes and combines them into 1, the total prep time is less than 10 minutes. After you prep, you can get back to wrapping or decorating! The spaghetti squash is cooked in a pressure cooker, so you don’t need to be in the kitchen while it cooks.

If you’d like to make Homemade Pasta Sauce Stuffed Spaghetti Squash – simply make each of the recipes included below. When the spaghetti squash is done, simply top it with the pasta sauce.

Easy Pasta Sauce
What do you do if you want pasta, but don't have pasta sauce? Make a quick serving of pasta sauce using this recipe.
Check out this recipe
Beautiful red easy pasta sauce
Pressure Cooked Spaghetti Squash
Quickly and easily get a healthy dinner in minutes. This recipe is quick enough for even those with full schedules. Using a pressure cooker allows you to only have to be in the kitchen to prep!
Check out this recipe
The Easiest Way To Cook Spaghetti Squash

What I’m Sipping On This Holiday Season

Whether I’m out shopping, home wrapping, or visiting with friends and family, I need energy! I love a good latte but found many were full of processed ingredients and didn’t give me sustained energy. This holiday season I found a new product from Your Super called Super Brew. Super Brew is an alternative to coffee, and has limited ingredients. The caffeine comes from black tea, and it’s great without milk or sweeteners. If you are like me and crave a latte, I was able to make a super brew latte, and it satisfied my latte needs and gave me a boost of energy so I could get through my holiday chores.

Other Fast Meal Options

Sooner or later I will get tired of eating spaghetti squash. When that happens, I have many recipes that are quick and easy. Most of my fast recipes are soups or curries. In fact, I have a great zucchini curry that takes about 30 minutes to make. I love making soups because they are warm, hearty, and many I can just put in the ingredients and walk away.

All things considered, I really love the holiday season, and am so glad I have fresh spaghetti squash from my summer garden. In time, I hope to have a large stockpile of summer veggies that will last me all winter. For now, I will have to make due with my freezer full of soups & zoodles.

Until the next post, I’ll be enjoying Christmas festivities, and wish you a happy holiday season!


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