It’s Here: A Quick Look At My Stunning Summer In The Garden

It’s Here: A Quick Look At My Stunning Summer In The Garden

This week I plant-a-sized about all the food I’ve made this summer

Zone 5b garden update for the week – 9/13/2021

Over the Summer of 2021 here in Zone 5b, I realized that not many people can appreciate the hard work that goes into not only gardening but storing harvests. This summer I have successfully transformed my 10′ x 16′ garden into these frozen items to enjoy in the winter:

  • 35 bowls (8 oz each) of soup – zucchini soup, tomato soup, pumpkin tomato soup & zucchini and bean soup
  • 10 packs zoodles
  • 12 cups mixed greens
  • Pumpkin cubes
  • Zucchini cubes
  • 4 whole spaghetti squash (not in the freezer; will be in the crawl space)

I also made many other recipes during the Summer that I ate fresh:

  • Salads, mixed greens, corn & beets
  • Fresh zoodles
  • Pumpkin Oatmeal
  • Zucchini Pesto
  • Zucchini Pizza Dough
  • Zucchini Bread
  • Pumpkin Curry
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Pumpkin Lattes

The Summer of 2021 was a very productive gardening year for me. While I certainly wish I had had more tomatoes, I thoroughly enjoyed zucchini recipes. Being able to experiment with zucchini during the summer was fun, and I created a nice zucchini pizza crust!

It’s mid-September and my brain is already thinking fall

As I sat on the couch sipping on my fresh pumpkin latte, I was reminded that my zucchiloupe/spaghetti squash was dying off. I haven’t pulled it yet because there’s still some green but I think it will be pulled out of the garden in a few weeks!

Additionally, I have a few fall garden things will need to start tending to put my bed to rest for the winter:

  • Still monitoring the crawl space for a root cellar. Also waiting for vegetables to grow I feel like (in true Angie fashion) it will be a “mad dash” to get stuff out of the ground and figure out how the crawl space will work as a root cellar
  • Waiting for my potatoes in the garden to “die back” – when the green turns to brown and falls over that’s when the potato is ready
  • Seed organization – need to change my seed organization – as you can see I have many, many seed packets and I’ve outgrown my current system

Equally important are my garden updates for the week:

  • The kidney beans I planted in the garden in late June/July and I was able to harvest 4 beans! Although it’s not much I’m just happy I grew them and now I know I’d need to plant many more plants to get enough beans
  • I removed the bed skirt from my plants, I was seeing lots of bugs and an entire leaf of bugs I felt like the skirt was just making it a cozy habitat for bugs, and decided to remove it
  • Kale is still growing and I’m loving it! I am putting kale in/on everything this week I had a piece that’s as big as my head – pretty unbe-leaf-able

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