Learn How Powerful Basil Can Be In The Garden

Learn How Powerful Basil Can Be In The Garden

Have You Ever Wondered If Basil Can Do Anything For Your Garden?

I call it powerful basil because of all the good it can do in a pretty small space! There are many basil varieties out there – blue spice, Thai, cinnamon, lemon, compact – the list goes on!

In addition to being a fragrant addition to your garden space, basil is very beneficial to the garden. In my final post in the reasons to grow series, I will share the benefits of basil in the garden.

Powerful basil is great in the garden

Powerful Basil Attracts Beneficial Bugs

Like many of the plants I’ve featured in my reasons to grow series, basil is known to attract bugs such as bees and butterflies. These insects are known as pollinators, and help get your flowers pollinated which is very important if you are growing vegetables that need pollination.

It is equally important to note that you may sometimes see beetles, slugs and aphids on your basil. This is part of the way basil deters those pests from your plants. I recommend planting sacrificial basil in the garden – this way you can have basil for pest control as well as for eating. Part of my prep for my 2022 garden season was to start basil so I can have it in the garden from the get go. I’ll be planting more basil seeds when the season starts to ensure I have basil all season long.

What Pests Does Powerful Basil Deter

Similarly to attracting bugs, basil also deters pests. Bugs such as hornworms & mosquitoes which makes basil a great companion plant for tomatoes! As mentioned above, basil may attract bugs to the basil instead of your plant you are protecting.

Other Benefits Of Basil

Not only does basil help with pest control in the garden, but it also has other benefits:

  • An edible plant – turn basil into delicious pesto and use it on spaghetti or pizza
  • Medicinal – basil has antioxidant properties as well as anti-inflammatory properties, it may even help digestion
  • A great companion plant – especially for tomatoes!

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