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Ways To Connect With Angie's Recipe Garden

Books, coffee, open recipe book, jar, bowl, and gifts on a wooden table with floral background. Text: "Connect With Angie's Recipe Garden."

Communities, Social Media, and An App - Oh My!

Now that I have created communities on my site, I thought it would be a great idea to make a post about the ways you can connect with me!

In today's post, I will break down the ways you can connect with Angie's Recipe Garden.

Connect With Angie's Recipe Garden On Social Media

As of 2025, I have the following social media: Facebook & Instagram.

Typically, I use Facebook to share & re-share my recipes - this helps people discover my recipes & allows for comments. From time to time I will share stories on Facebook as well.

Side note - when my site was hosted on WordPress I had comments turned off on my blog posts due to the high amount of spam comments. Since moving to Wix I have turned comments back on (yay!).

Instagram is usually where I share my "day-to-day" posts - what I'm having for lunch, what I'm working on in the garden, etc. I'll also share my new blog posts as well as posts that are longer but don't need a full post on my site.

I currently don't have any plans to move away from these sites, but I am actively trying to get people to become community members on my site. Social media is tricky as a creator, and should the sites go away, I would lose connection to my followers. I highly encourage people to become community members on my site so we can ensure we stay connected no matter what happens with social media.

Community Groups From Angie's Recipe Garden

Great news - you are already on my site and creating an account to become a site member is easy! My communities are created to allow for connecting with others outside of social media.

I plan to host virtual book clubs (I've done this successfully in the past on Facebook), a general fan group where I share more day-to-day posts, and eventually I would love to offer paid courses and watch people learn and grow.

Emails From Angie's Recipe Garden - Site Members Only

When you receive your welcome email after becoming a site member, your notification settings by default are set to "yes" for all. It's recommended you review your notification settings today and adjust as needed.

The Spaces By Wix App

One reason I LOVE is all the benefits that are easy to use. When I found out about the Spaces app my mouth dropped. An app so people can easily pull up my blog and communities on the go - YES PLEASE.

If you join a community group or just want to view my site when on the go - then I highly recommend joining the Spaces app. You may need the invite code 4TJKV7

The Spaces app makes it easy to view my blog posts as well as check any group you are a member of in my community.

If you aren't interested in getting the app, I have a post in my Fans Of Angie's Recipe Garden Community showing how to add a bookmark on your iPhone.

That's all for this post, I hope to meet you in one of my communities!


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