See More Growth In Your Garden This Year – Announcing A Reasons To Grow Series

See More Growth In Your Garden This Year – Announcing A Reasons To Grow Series

Have You Ever Wondered The Reasons To Grow Marigolds Or Onions On A Garden Border?

Everybody has their own reasons to grow certain things in their garden. Maybe you have noticed some vegetable gardens have a border of marigolds or onions on the outside. In fact, you may have even wondered why people grow flowers in a vegetable garden.

When I first started gardening, I noticed a few plots in the community garden were either growing marigolds or a onions on the outside. My first thought was “why would you grow marigolds in a vegetable garden”. The second thought I had was “I’m sure that would make the onions easier to harvest!”.

By the end of the season, I had learned that planting certain plants help keep pests out of the garden. Theirs also some plants that actually attract bugs to it so that it gets destroyed instead of your vegetable plant!

Reasons To Grow showcases green plants you should grow in your garden to help limit pests this year!

Series Announcement – Reasons To Grow

The first thing to remember about gardening is that it’s a learning and growing experience! Although I have limited experience, I’ve gained important knowledge. Most notably, I’ve learned that certain plants are good for things in the garden, besides just to eat! In fact, that’s why I decided to write a 4 part series on reasons to grow certain plants.

I’ll be cover onions, nasturtium, basil and marigolds. These are essential plants to have in the garden, and at the end of the series I think you’ll be convinced that you need them in your garden as well. My hope is that you will read them and learn something that you didn’t know.

Surely you are eager to read the next post in this series, while you wait, explore my previous series on the blog.

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