The Simplistic Fermented Series You Must Read This Month

The Simplistic Fermented Series You Must Read This Month

Why I Love This Fermented Series

Earlier this year I learned about fermenting, and I knew I wanted to share what I’ve learned in a fermented series! I’m very excited to share with you how to make kimchi, sauerkraut, and more! These recipes are perfect for a beginner fermenter, and a great way to learn the basics of fermenting.

Be sure to come back every week and learn a new ferment! I would recommend trying one ferment a month as you are learning. One ferment a month makes it easy and not overly time-consuming. Continue reading to learn more about this series.

Are you interested in fermenting? Too scared to get started? Join me in my fermented series and learn simple recipes you can make to get started fermenting!

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What Can You Expect From This Fermented Series?

As with my previous series, you can expect this series to be full of information, resources, and of course recipes! At the end of the series, you will have 5 recipes plus 1 bonus recipe for a total of 6 easy fermented recipes!

My hope is that you will take these recipes, make them once, and the next time you make them you will feel confident to make them your own! All of the 6 recipes can be changed based on your tastes. I prefer to make a recipe once so I know how it should taste, then next time I adjust to my tastes.

You should walk away from this series knowing you can make these recipes pretty quickly, and that you are closer to sustaining yourself. One of my personal goals is to become more self-sustained, and making my own ferments helps me with this goal. I hope you enjoy this series as much as I did making it!

Here’s a sneak peek of what I’ll be covering in this fermented series!

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